- Engineering and Interdisciplinary Sciences
5500 Campanile Drive - Monday-Friday
9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. - Email: [email protected]
Funding Opportunities
Kickstart your funding goals...
Thanks to the generosity of our many supporters the ZIP Launchpad and the Lavin Entrepreneurship Center offer SDSU students and program participants the chance to apply for different equity free funds to help them get their startups to the next level.
MINTZ Awards | $6,400 Annually

- 1st Place E-Track
- 2nd Place E-Track
- 1st Place L1
- 2nd Place L2
- 1st Place L2
- 2nd Place L2
Zahn Success Fund Award | $5,000
Up to $5,000
To achieve a major business milestone
ZIP Launchpad participants
Success Fund Oversight Committee
ZIP Launchpad Team that has been nominated by the Advisor
The Zahn Success Fund Award also triggers a Deferred Service Agreement from Mintz Levin
The ZIP Launchpad has set up a Zahn Success Fund Award to help active student teams with their idea validation. The Award granted to teams from the Zahn Success Fund Award is non-equity funding meaning that ZIP Launchpad will not receive any shares/equity in return for the funding.
Please note, the Zahn Success Fund Award is subject to taxation.
Teams can only be awarded the Zahn Success Fund Award once. Each team can apply for up to $5,000 in funding. The first $2,500 will be paid out upon approval of the Award. The secondary award will be received after the achievement of a mutually agreed upon milestone and demonstrating proper use of funds.
Upon award approval, please work with the appropriate staff to complete the required forms. Processing can take up to 1-2 months.
- If the team is a legal entity, then they will need to complete paperwork as a company.
- If the team is not a legal entity, then the founder/CEO will need to complete the paperwork as an individual.
Teams are responsible for their own expenses.
Teams are required real-time (w/in 24 hours) to produce evidence to ZIP Launchpad Executive Director demonstrating that the AWARD was used as intended.
Improper use of the funds will result in immediate termination of award and failure to receive the second payment.
Lavin Early Seed Startup Fund | $5,000
Proof of concept
Lavin Early Seed Startup Fund Oversight Committee
Teams in early stage development
Aztec Cooperative Fund | $1,000
Up to $1000 per agreement of hourly pay
Graphics Packages, Branding, UX/UI Design, & more completed by other SDSU students
Please note that a student hired by the Aztec Cooperative Fund CAN ONLY be hired by the Aztec Cooperative FUND ONCE A YEAR. (SDSU calendar year July 1-June 30). They may, for instance, perform different or similar work for the same team or ANOTHER ZIP Launchpad team but it must occur within the next SDSU calendar year or subsequent. A ZIP Launchpad team in good standings can recruit up to two students under Aztec Cooperative Fund PER semester.
How To Apply
Step 1 - Obtain a recommendation from your ZIP launchpad Advisor to apply
Step 2 - The ZIP Launchpad team applies for the Aztec Cooperative Fund using F6s . The application must be completed in full including a well-defined need with a
measured outcome that can be reasonably achieved by an SDSU undergrad student within
the semester over 70 hours.
There is no commitment of employment until SDSU HR has processed the request and officially
granted the student eligible to work. There is no financial obligation to the student
until HR has approved eligibility. The employer will be the ZIP launchpad Executive
Director for 70 hours @ $15.00 hour, not to exceed 20 hours per week through the end
of the semester in which the student is hired.
Upon completion of the 70 hours, the team and the student assistant are under no obligation to continue to work together.
Step 3 - ZIP Launchpad team identifies an eligible undergrad student at SDSU to meet
this need. An eligible undergrad SDSU student can be from any discipline at SDSU as
long as they can reasonably meet the need.
How to find an eligible intern: use your network, ask your advisor for ideas, review
the ZIP Launchpad "Paid Internship" site and attend our Aztec Cooperative recruiting event called "Paid Internship Fair" to help match ZIP Launchpad teams with SDSU undergraduate students.
Fall 2022: TBD
Other considerations:
Should the team cease to be an active ZIP Launchpad team, be in poor standing with the ZIP Launchpad and/or at my discretion if the student assistant is not being appropriately used, I can remove the student assistant from the team immediately.
All work must be performed at the ZIP Launchpad unless a request is made in writing
at least 24 hours prior and approved by the Executive Director. The student will be
asked to sign the ZIP Launchpad agreements once approved to start. If the team would
like the student assistant to sign any additional agreements such as an NDA, the team
should speak with their Advisor and/or seek counsel from our legal domain experts
during office hours at your discretion.
The team is responsible for providing the student with clear guidelines on responsibilities and defining successful outcomes. Failure to do so will result in immediate removal of the student from the team.
ZIP Launchpad Staff Advisors
ZIP Launchpad Participant
Once the services have been provided, the team is not obligated to the student providing the service for further compensation, equity, or employment.
Prebys Entrepreneurship Endowed Scholarship
Merit Scholarship
Lavin & ZIP Launchpad Participants
Prebys Entrepreneurship Endowed Scholarship Committee
Lavin & ZIP Launchpad Participants