Work With The Lab

Submit request to work with the Lab

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See H.G.Fenton Company Idea Lab Capabilities

Prototyping Resource Links - Notion

ZIP Launchpad Teams

Submit Request to work with the Lab

ZIP Launchpad Teams: The H.G. Fenton Company Idea Lab can help develop a prototype of your product. Technical student interns are available to assist with early stage product development and company identity. 

Prerequisites for accessing H.G. Fenton Company Idea Lab services: 

  1. Approval from your ZIP Advisor 
  2. You are in In Flight track or Launch Track

For MGT 358 and MGT 420 Prototypes:

Prototyping Support for Fowler College of Business Entrepreneurship Students:

To begin, please submit a lab intake form by April 18 for Spring 2025. Prototypes will be delivered by May 8th.

At the H.G. Fenton Company Idea Lab we have engineers and designers on staff to support your entrepreneurial and product development efforts. If you attended the ZIP Launchpad Rapid Prototyping Workshop, then you are eligible to receive a free hardware or software prototype in the form of a 3D render. Please follow these steps to access the service: 

MGT Class Lab Intake Form*If you are unable to submit a lab intake form by these dates, we cannot proceed with your prototype

charging cube render

 hand sanitizer render

app mockups